Stream 2 You


Application possibilities are seemingly endless, and so can be the attendant headaches; here are just a few examples of what Stream To You can offer you:


Live video conferencing of business meetings. STREAMTOYOU will enable your company to network and stream live video feeds to, and from, separate locations across the globe.


Create a "virtual classroom" where students can watch live class presentations, or, access and review those from yesterday or last week or last month. Through our partnering with eXpressive Networks, a fully interactive live streaming classroom environment becomes almost routine.


Stream To You can broadcast live over the Internet any concert or event. Through our mobile data transfer vehicles, we can broadcast a live feed back to our secure service center and then blast it out across the Internet.

Stream To You can also re-broadcast television shows or radio programs. Our technology allows you to maintain an archive of programs for access and downloading over the Internet.


Not all streaming has to be done live. Stream To You can take existing video or audio tape libraries and convert them to a digital format for archiving, accessed by ON-DEMAND streaming when you, or your clients, find it convenient or timely to do so. You can accommodate your clients at their behest - another key marketing feature.


Streaming takes the old adage of "a picture is worth a thousand words" and takes it to another level. Nothing beats the power of visual communication for marketplace impact. Television commercials have become a multi-billion dollar industry. Now that industry is making a transition into the digital arena, Stream To You can service your Internet commercials, your products, your marketing promotions, and your unparalleled corporate identity in powerful, digital feeds.